The Book of Revelation

One of the first books I read when I came to the Lord was Hal Lindsey's "The Late Great Planet Earth." I've heard many, MANY say that that book was their introduction to the studies of "the last days." Like so many others, I had never heard these things before and that book spawned my interest in all things eschatology (studies of last days events.) Since then I have studied all the topics Lindsey put forth in his book and to this day I maintain a keen interest in these things.

Hal Lindsey is in his 80's now, and until recently he published his "Hal Lindsey Report" weekly, which kept us up to date on current events as seen through the lens of the Bible. Now, he is publishing his lengthy video Bible study on The Book of Revelation. I've compiled them here and hope many will be interested in going through this study in an effort to more thoroughly understand all that is happening, leading up to the culmination of this age - which we see approaching.

I hope you will enjoy these studies.

The Book of Revelation - Session 1